Archive for July, 2007|Monthly archive page

Outage Report

We were down for a few hours this morning, but we are back up and running now. Thanks for your patience!

Buzz brewing

I can’t explain why, but for some reason our site has been seeing a bump in traffic lately. My only guess is that hurricane season fever is upon us all down here; most people are coming in directly, without any kind of referring link. I’m guessing the conversation goes something like this:

Bob: ‘Hey Fred, when do you think we’ll get a hurricane this year?’
Fred: ‘Beats me, but check out this website I found the other day . . . ‘

In any event, it’s cool to see new visitors. Hope you’re finding your visit worth your while. Send us your feedback!

New features coming soon. We’re getting pretty excited in the labs. One will be the ability to create an account at, and the rest will revolve around doing some pretty neat stuff that you can’t do on any other weather websites. No, really. :-)